jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014


Graffiti or street art is a particular and "new" trend in Latin America. This form of painting emerged as an escape or expression of nonconformism by cityzens for each of the situations that occurred in their countries.

If we observe and reflect about the social, political and economic conflicts that have lived Latin American countries like Honduras, Colombia and El Salvador, graffiti has established itself as a conduit of social protest and complaint against all the abuses experienced so behind each drawing, there is a deeper explanation which wants to make people aware of the problems.

In places like Colombia, the street art is considered vandalism precisely because people do not connect emotionally and artistically with the murals, however in recent years there have been groups which defend graffiti as a way to express healthy and free.

In other places such as Brazil and Argentina, graffiti is considered an art form to be admired by everyone why he is respected and approved by international institutions.

In North Africa, graffiti is practically the only way for people to show their dissatisfaction with the current situation and the fact that want to silence them and have so oppressed, they take more force.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Bangkok's 'Mexican' Gangsters

This new and particular trend is a clear example of a subculture immersed in other culture considering that these young Thais have accepted all types of visible and invisible behaviours and features of Mexican Gangsters such as clothes, tattoos, hairstyles, music and social feelings that inspire their lifes.

I believe that the most important characteristic of this phenomenon is the feeling of social dissatisfaction that young Thais have against their government. It's like an expression of deep anger and denunciation that some people have for various issues that are affecting their society such as abortion or corruption and these situations are similar to the current situacion in Mexico.

I infer that sometimes the physical borders between countries or continents or territories don't matter if we can identified with situations that occur in other parts of the world. In a globalized and connected world as ours, only the internet can shows all of the facts that are happening in our countries and these scenes contribute to create a BIG GLOBAL CULTURE.

Thanks for your attention,

Mary Molina Pereira.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


It's disappointing the situation that are affecting in these moments to our brothers AfroColombians. It cannot admissible that the Colombia's government doesn't implement real policies of education and social improvement in order to achieve a major quality of life for each ethnic group.

I think that It´s necessary to have big leaders in Colombia who want to work with poor and discriminated communities in order to create and generate a change with innovation!This country needs people who struggle for give them great employment's opportunities with entrepreneurship  and education. 

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Hi Friends, I want to say WELCOME you to my Blog!!!!

For me It's a great pleasure that all of you want to read me!!

I'm 19 years old and I'm studying Business Management at Uninorte and currently I'm 6th Semester. Also I'm studying Level 8th of Uninorte's English!  

I really like Soccer!!! It's my passion because I always enjoy the hard and difficult work in order to achieve an objective! As you can see, discipline, competitive sports and taking on BIG CHALLENGES are my life's style! Another hobbies that I have are Dancing, listen to music and SMILE :D

I really love my family and GOD!!!

You can know more about me in this blog!!
